if you had my xenophobic yahoo neighbors, you would not be jealous. the trees here are greener even than your smog used to be long ago, but the grass is NOT greener on this side of the country. our local district attorney said due to state budget cuts, it was up to each mason county citizen to arm himself and protect his own life and property, there would not be enough mason county law enforcement officers left on the job to do more than a cursory check of the county. but i noticed there are more than enough of 'em to hide in every nook and cranny to ticket poor slobs for speeding. priorities, priorities...
i live so far out in the sticks that there is barely any DTV reception out here. i can't afford cable so i had to have a treemonkey climb atop a 90' tree to erect a "deep fringe" "flyswatter" digital tv antenna just so i could get basic broadcast channels. i live 51 miles from the nearest tv transmitter tower. under the old analog system that would not be too far, but for the new digital system the fcc shoved down our collective throats, it is on the ragged edge of reception. i got no signal when i tried the antenna atop my roof.
it takes me 40 minutes to drive to the nearest semblence of civilization, a little town called shelton, which is barely more than a wide spot in the road. olympia [state capital] is another hour from there. if one doesn't have a car out here, they are mostly SOL. there is a local "general" store with exorbitantly overpriced staple items such as canned food, rat poison and such. if i want to see a movie [haven't seen one since 2000] i have to drive into town which for me isn't worth the trip, gas costing what it does now. there are no cultural amenities out here, no museums, no theatres, no nothing but trees and none-too-friendly country folk. "good fences make for good neighbors."
i live in the reddest of red counties, which sticks out like a sore thumb in blue western washington. i hear gunshots day and night, there is widespread game poaching out here. the local DA said it is every citizen's duty to wear traffic-cone orange while nature walking out in the woods, because they can't make the local hunters be careful enough to not shoot until they can see it is a human and not a deer.

people who ride bicycles [like moi] are looked upon with barely disguised loathing, by the bulk of drivers out here, like "
how dare we take our blue state freakiness out in public?" men with long hair are similarly looked-at askance. you'd think it was still 1955 out here. i hate it here, and would trade places with you in an eyeblink, if i could afford to live in civilization, which is the only advantageous point to where i live, the cost of living/housing is cheap out here. i couldn't afford to move anyplace else. oh well, i suppose i've ranted enough for now. thanx for patiently listening to me

That does sound tough. And bicycles are great. Joke's on the drivers for spending so much on gas. Long hair on men is pretty common around here, but you'd think that with all the forest and isolation over there, there would be more of the stereotypical long-haired mountain man, haha.
Fines for speeding tickets are paid to law enforcement, I think. It seems as though, whenever funding for the police department goes down, more people here are stopped for traffic violations.