Hey all,
New member, not formally diagnosed with Asperger's but I'm pretty sure. After taking Myers-Briggs (INTP) and Keirsey Temp Sorter (Rational Architect) early this year and investigating characteristics of respective results, I came upon AS. It was easy to see that both of these types are at their extreme ends just a step or two away from Asperger's. I've been able to use my (unknown to me) Asperger's strengths to find a reasonably satisfying niche in the field of manufacturing engineering, which is all based on details and systems. I'm able to relate to the "big picture" as well but my big picture is rarely the one my bottom-line-focused bosses see. What I see is a multitude of small processes integrated into a larger process which results in a satisfactory outcome, which means the parts we build are just about perfect.
As I learn about AS I can see that it has been a part of my being for as long as I can remember. I have long suspected I have a type of learning disability, though I test very high in intelligence. I have trouble assimilating information as it is presented, it's as if I have to "translate" it into a form which my mind can process. Long ago I formulated a way of dealing with the feeling of being an outsider that can pretty much be summed up as "Oh well...". I don't let it bother me any more because it's been a waste of time for me to try to figure it out. Having just learned about AS and having unknowingly dealt with it for 57 years, I'm at the point where I want to learn how to exploit my strengths over and above what I have learned to do by compensation. I can't find a therapist locally who specializes in AS and is also in my health care plan, so maybe for the time being I'll be doing it by trial and error. I guess I'm used to it.
I don't see it as a disability, though I can understand how others might. I refuse to accept any notion that I must accept myself as being "diminished" in any way from the level I am at right now. "Differently Abled" is a good term.
Glad to be here,