A while ago someone posted two tests on another forum, the 'minds eye' test and the AQ test.
I got twenty on the eye test, I've never been good at that sort of thing but was quite shocked to score 44 on the AQ test. After finding this place I took the BAPT test and got 129 aloof 94 rigid 111 pragmatic and then took the aspie test, Aspie 165/200 and NT 33/200.
Having read a bit about AS it does seem eerily familiar.
I had speech therapy as a child, I am completely socially useless, I have no friends, I have no clue if someone is flirting, being friendly, being polite or just being their normal selves. If I try to fit in or tell a joke it's pretty much guaranteed that I will end up fairly quickly saying something that seems perfectly reasonable to me but leaves others slack jawed in disbelief. But then I also get very upset or angry about things while other people can't seem to grasp why.
I tend to get completely engrossed with things, sometimes to the extent of forgetting to do things like eat or sleep. I pick or bite my nails all the time, sometimes to the point of ripping out a whole toenail. I'm not just uninterested in small talk, I have absolutely no idea how to go about it but can discuss at length something that I'm interested in with someone I know. Words can not describe how bad I am at doing presentations.
If I go to a party I dread it and only go because that is what you are supposed to do, I'll usually spend the entire time sitting in the corner not talking to anyone and then wonder what the point of going was.
I'm not thick, I have an IQ of 138, I should be able to learn how to have a conversation, if I'm interested in something I can usually master it very quickly but for all the effort in the world it don't work. You may as well ask a 3 week old bonobo about relativity.
Do the online tests have a high false positive rate, misdiagnosing 'normal' people or people with other conditions? Is there any point seeing a doctor about it or is just something you have to deal with on your own?