has anyone here not been bullied, at least physically.
i haven't, or don't remember. ever being PHYSICALLY bullied.
but I also don't remember seeing anyone else physically bullied
I've always felt bad for people who were bullied because I guess I saw something of me in them
And I'm still not certain I am aspie.
I don't feel like my childhood fits the average criteria..or whatever
I don't remember feeling different until around high school
I don't remember my childhood feelings well at all. or try not to.
While I now believe that I've never been able to feel connected. As a child I didn't understand that so believed I was normal.
Also, growing up religious f****d ME UP, whenever i was doing something that was a ''sin''
I had a period in youth where i would hear voices (close my eyes and would see demons, knowingly imagining them) all because I was told my religion was the truth but did not, could not truly believe it
Another early memory I can think of that could be considered an ''aspie thing'' is,
when I was young I became conscientious about this contradiction of answering ''yes'' or ''no'' when the question is whether you did NOT like something, and which answer is truly correct. I showed this to my parents and they couldn't explain it to me. And I feel terrible that I can't define this properly myself, so here's an example.
You don't like chicken?
A no, i don't
b yes I don't like chicken
IM SORRY I GET SO OFF TOPIC but i feel like i never get to finish my thoughts expressively
I had to finish my train of thought or it would have bothered me. feels good that i did.