Hey everyone, I've recently joined this site and I really like what goes on here in this community
My first name is Zack and am from Ohio.
I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome when I was in the 4th grade but was never told about my diagnosis by anybody until my parents had finally told me right before I entered my freshman year in high school.
My interest going into college is psychology. I enjoy all kinds of games; including video games (mostly retro), board, and card games. I used to make up games as kid as well, I just like to challenge myself by playing all different kinds of games.
At 12, I earned a second degree black belt and became my Master's Assistant Instructor when I was 14. However, I no longer perform anything related to martial arts as I focused more on school work, but my overall years I practiced was 5 years.
I joined this site because I like the community on here and am looking to willingly discuss amongst everyone else and be an active member on this site with other people.
To be honest, it did take a lot for me to join a site like this and get around my initial anxiety to join in the first place but am hoping to discuss my social issues because, again, I'm liking the community on here.
Thanks for reading, I'm looking forward to being on here and hopefully chat and get to know some of you along the way!