Hi everyone!
I must admit I feel a bit stupid for posting a whole new thread just to say hi and introduce myself, especially seeing how many others already have, but... I feel like it's the proper way to start off at a forum and seeing that I already have a few posts, it's high time!
My name's Sheena, I'm 20 and was diagnosed with Aspergers and ADD in April this year. At first I was just so relieved to finally have words for my problems and who I am, and to know what's been going on and most of all, feeling a lot less like an alien and understanding I'm not alone and it's acknowledged by most, it all just made me feel less alone and a lot more in control. Now however, I've mostly started to feel bitter about how none of my teachers ever gave enough thought into my issues to actually look into it, but just kept telling me I 'was a lot smarter than I acted and should deliver much more because they knew I could'. It would've spared me so much frustration and self-hatred if they'd only had known enough to see what was hindering me, 'cause I couldn't see it however much I tried. But I'm really glad I finally know and understand myself, even if I've managed a bit on my known at least the past six years or so.
Anyway, my hobbies and interests are pretty much all of the creative sort; I love drawing, painting, writing, sewing and crafting in general, I am very interested in Asian ball-jointed dolls (I have two myself
) and I love reading,singing and music (I have a strong desire to playthe violin, so I'm trying to save up for one, but as it is now I only listen). There's also a little video game lover in me that's started to show up more recently, even if I'm very selective in what I'll play. I prefer things I already know I like from trying something new, so that only happens on rare occasions.
I can't really think of anything else of interest to share, so... Hi once again, I'm looking forward to getting to know this place better.