Hi all,
My name is Shane and I'm from Kentucky. I fall somewhere on the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum, although as I'm sure some of you well know, 'high-functioning' doesn't preclude occasional instances of complete 'non-functioning.'
I have a girlfriend who does not have Asperger's or autism and we've been together for two years now. She is very patient and understanding, and along with my mother's lifetime suspicions, she helped me realize that I am not neurotypical. I had learned about Asperger's some time ago, and I felt familiar with the Aspie mindset, but it took living with my girlfriend for her to point out that I was not merely 'familiar with' but 'exemplary of' many of these traits.
I have a degree in philosophy, which I found disappointingly squishy and anti-scientific, and a minor in German, which I also speak fluently. I really like languages (I've studied a little French and Russian as well), and I don't seem to have some of the problems others have in acquiring new words and grammar. Mostly though I like science, and I'm back in school to get my pre-medical requirements and hopefully become a doctor not too long from now.
I like to read (science and philosophy mostly, and scifi!) but I usually end up on the Internet instead. I also play Warhammer 40k (is that too nerdy for this forum? haha) and do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
This is my first contact with the AS world, so I feel like I have a lot to talk about with people! So if you're bored this evening, feel free to contact me on AIM: my name is "sedsez22" without the quotes. Also I would be interested to meet anyone in the Kentucky/Indiana area, I can always use new friends!
So uh, that's it. Hi.
- Shane