Hello friends - it is nice to finally register and have a chance to speak to others with AS.
I am 42 and I have a son who is 13 and who is probably autistic, although high functioning. I will make other threads about him, because I have a lot of questions. But I will use this thread to introduce myself.
All of my life, I have suffered from what i have always refered to as "the hole." The hole in me is the place where social skills and friends should have been, but aren't. I can not make or keep friends in a normal manner. I really don't know why.
I think part of it is that I just don't want to. It is sooo much work! And even people who I think of as close don't really know me. I have been married for 20 years, but my husband doesn't know me. My brain is so complex, it seems to run away on it's own. I have written novels in my head. I can create complicated projects entirely in my brain, and then go and make them IRL - if I have the time, money and energy (often I do not). My thoughts are so much fun, that socializing can seem boring in comparison.
My question is, does any of this sound familiar to you?
Right now, I am never lonely, because I have a large extended family that constantly demands time and attention. And a son who is so sweet (yes, at 13!) but needs me more than your average 13 year old.
I think I may have AS, but I have no health insurance, and wouldn't get diagnosed anyway. I am sure that you will hear my opinions about so-called experts, quacks and goofy beliefs regarding autism in my local community.
I wish I could be an advocate for autistic kids, after reading the horror story about that autistic boy in California in the news today. My heart breaks for that kid and his parents!
"Tea, Earl Grey, Hot!"
"Never confuse the the will of God with the will of the majority"