Hi, I am new here to wrongPlanet, I have asperger's, and my 12 year old daughter was diagnosed a few months ago. I am looking for other parents to talk with about asperger's and tips they might have for becoming more organized and input on how to help my daughters OCD and anxiety symptoms. First off I should write, she is going to a therapist and on meds for her anxiety, which is triggered by changes, ( like going back to school, changes in routine etc.) The anxiety is a slow build up, but when it hits the poor thing has all the physical symptoms as well ( rapid heat beat, sweats, tummy aches, trembles, ) . I know in my head this will pass when she gets used to the new changes, but it is hard in the mean time to watch her suffer. I am a pretty relaxed parent in terms of letting things go that I know will upset her, but as late it feels like the harder I try and talk with her about her feelings the farther apart we become. I am sure other parents are going through the same things as me, so any input or advise is welcome. Thanks for tking your time to read this.