Most people don't notice me. That's good. Casual acquaintances seem to think I'm ok but a bit eccentric. I can be too blunt or 'intense' for other people sometimes, too.
I do have some friends and they seem to like me well enough, though I think they get frustrated when I don't talk to them for ages. I don't really know why I don't talk to them more. I always seem too busy dealing with 'things' to deal with people also. Plus I hate making phone calls and I don't really enjoy going out that much, unless it's to somewhere I know. Plus I think it's rude to invite myself round to someone's house, so I wait to be invited... but life doesn't always work like that, does it? And when I do get invited I'm invariably busy doing something 'essential' which later turns out to be quite inconsequential
I think I really piss people off by forgetting things, too. Important things, like birthdays and anniversaries and exams and driving tests. It gives the impression that I don't care, I think. I DO care, but it's deeper than that, somehow, and quite the opposite from being superficial.
Perhaps I am too wrapped up in myself. I dunno. I know I feel really guilty about it but I never seem able to transfer that guilt into positive action. And my memory IS rubbish, too.
Sorry, wandering off topic again....
The Sociable Hermit says: