Hi, my name is Andrew. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at the age of 4. I am 24 now, and finally starting to find my comfort zone. Years of failed attempts at changing myself to fit into society brought me to a better understanding of myself. I still have issues with self-esteem, confidence, and "comfort in my own skin" but about a year ago I realized I could turn all my struggles and pain into something that could help others. I watched a video of a Temple Grandin lecture at TED Conference 2010. She really got me thinking. One of her main points was that we need to cater to individual interests of those with Asperger's, as well as provide a mentor for them so that we can help with not only behavioral intervention, but (IMO, more importantly) how the child utilizes his or her own unique way of thinking as an advantage. I have since started volunteering at our university's autism brain imaging research lab. At the moment, because I'm an undergrad, I do not have as many responsibilities as the grad students, but they are slowly giving me more and more responsibilities. The grad students like to run their studies' tests by me for my input, whatever it may be (grammar, timing, clarity of information, etc), and I absolutely love it. I hope to get into the research aspect of ASD and Asperger's, and get into a more clinical field down the road. I hope to use my own experiences to help others. We'll see where it goes
Anyways, I'm glad to be here, and I will definitely mention this site as a good reference for our study participants and their families who request further help with coping. I'll see you guys around!