My name is Caitlin. Im here after years of diagnosis that didn't quite fit (dysthymia, major depression, anxiety, ADHD, borderline personality disorder). My current therapist is pretty sure I have major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and Asperger's. She sat down with me and explained why it couldn't be most of the past diagnoses. I finally feel like I know why I have all the problems I do.
I'm in therapy right now. I'm learning different social skills, like eye contact (which she said I need to work on, but it's harder than she makes it sound) and maintaining a conversation.
Im in college right now, and I can't say that I'm enjoying it. The classes aren't challenging and I don't really have any friends despite being in clubs. So that's making me depressed. For the first time in my life I really want to have friends and I'm not making them. Before college I could care less about having some friends, but I'm starting to get lonely as my roommate goes home a lot.
Let's see, what else can I say? I don't drive, I have one really good friend I can tell him anything, I've had one job but had a meltdown at home and landed in the hospital because of it so I quit. I get along more with adults and children than my own peers.
On the topic of meltdowns. I don't have them as much as I use to but when I do it's a lot of crying and self injury, I hit myself in the head and pull my hair. When I'm in public and having a meltdown I do repetitive things and self injure. I don't know why I self injure during a meltdown, all I know is it doesn't hurt and it calms me down.
Last thing I like to read about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. And my favorite TV show is South Park.