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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Nov 2011, 3:39 pm

Hello everyone , i have just come to the reaslisation that i have aspergers .

I am 32 I am an electronic musician , considered to be wizard in my field and have pursued this career single mindedly for 15 years . I have an IQ of 136 and have been diognosed with OCD , Depression , Dyslexia and Dyspraxia .my diet is very limited and i stick to the very few foods i love and i hate a lot of foods the ones i don't hate i am allergic too , I find eye contact and all social ques almost impossible (but sometime maintain eye conatct for too long when i am meeting people i am just not sure when its right or wrong to do), always talk over people , interrupt, or feel like i am not getting heard. I regularly upset people without knowing why. Socialisng has always been very difficult for me and caused a lot of anxiety. so now i only have 1 real friend my age who i see hardly ever and the 2 people i talk to regurly are work colleges... When the other kids where playing with each other i was watching my mum and then later programming computers and studing physics and learning Japanese. My brother suggested i was aspergers 5 years ago but i didn't listen , turns out my mum read a book and realised i was then aswell , then i met someone with aspergers and saw myself , i spoke to his mum who i have known for years and she said she knew i had it but didn't think it was right to say it at the time ... The fu0%rther i read into it the more i know ... this explains so much about my life which has been very hard at times , i turned to drugs when i was 13 and only got clean 3 years ago ... but this answers so many questions about my life so many separate issues have been explained by this label and the more i investigate the more is reveiled , i am awaiting official diognosis but scores 40 on the AQ test and 178 on the in depth Aspie quizz ... i am a 100% convinced i have this and it explains so many difficulies in my life and my singlemindednes and geekyness

phew it feels great to have a name for the difference i always knew i had ! !!

hello everyone ! !

j :)


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01 Nov 2011, 3:57 pm

Glad you feel you have found the answer!

Welcome to WP :)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Nov 2011, 4:01 pm

Thanks , I really want to get an official diognosis for peace of mind ! :) how did you get diognosed ?


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01 Nov 2011, 7:45 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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01 Nov 2011, 8:04 pm

Yes. It's very relieving to know you're not the only one with these oddities.
Welcome to WP!


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01 Nov 2011, 11:48 pm

Hi J

It depends which country you live in, and also which area/state you live in. If you can tell us these things, no need to be too specific, then someone here should be able to help you.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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02 Nov 2011, 3:38 am

Thanks everyone its great to know i am not alone :) , i am in London and read somewhere a lot of adults where self diagnosed , and it takes up to 2 years on the NHS , i am now utterly obsessed by the fact i have aspergers and can't stop thinking about it , I am both happy because there is a name for all these things i have experienced and slightly sad because i didn't get diognoses as a kid and because rough time i had at school and during most my adult life ... so i think i am going to go down the private route as self diognosis is always going to leave me with questions , I have a list of private people given to me by the Autism Helpline ... does anyone have any advice on the best sytem of diognosis as the all seem to use different combinations of different ways of diognosing ...

j :)


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02 Nov 2011, 7:05 am

Hi J

I'm in London too! Okay so to give you more specific advice I would have to know which PCT you are in, which is usually the same as your borough (I think).

The most popular diagnostic tool in the NHS is the DISCO method, which is not a questionnaire type. Also if you want to access some NHS services, they won't accept a non-NHS diagnosis (sigh). So please find out about this before you pay for a private one.

I personally think the DISCO method has a lot of advantages, in that there is room to take more of a history, rather than just tick boxes. Especially if the question isn't phrased in a way that "clicks" for you, you could still exhibit the trait, but you wouldn't get the points. I hope that sentence makes sense.

I read the thing about 12-18 months to get diagnosed as well, but that is about waiting list times, not the actual length of the procedure, and I don't know how true it is. My guess is it would be hard to get in done in less than 6 weeks.

First things, first. What kind of relationship do you have with your GP? The GP is of course the gateway to all other services, so if you don't feel you can talk to your GP, ask neighbours for a recommendation of a good one. Or if you are in a large practice you can see anyone, not just your named GP. So try to find the one that you trust the most. When you go to discuss Asperger's don't go to see them for any other reason. So no long lists of illnesses and then try and fit it in at the end :wink:

I know the men in my family don't like going to the Dr, so they try and fit everything in one visit, that they've been suffering from for 10yrs :)

The alternative route is if you have some kind of contact with Mental Health services through the CMHT (Community Mental Health Team). If you do, I'll explain that route in a separate post.

Also if there is something you don't want on the forum/in public you can PM me.


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02 Nov 2011, 7:15 am

Welkome to WP!

Mick :)

The Family Enigma


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02 Nov 2011, 7:19 am

Oh BTW I should really start telling people a little about myself.

I'm 35, an Engineering graduate, currently unemployed due to depression. A fellow geek, although a lot less so then I used to be when I was young.

J- congratulations on being clean for 3 yrs :D

I don't drink, do drugs or smoke. The only one that sometimes raises an eyebrow is the drinking, but all my friends are used to that now.

It's so nice to be writing something on the internet, and not having to think about how people will perceive it. Especially because I've chosen to remain anonymous. I've only shared with 4 friends that I think I'm an Aspie, and my Mum. Telling my Mum was probably a bad idea as she cannot keep a secret, but I felt I had to as it has just been on my mind so much these past 6 weeks (when I got confirmation from a therapist that I probably did have AS, but she isn't allowed to diagnose). And my Mum can always tell when I'm hiding something.

BTW has anyone read the book by Mark Haddon called "the curious incident of the dog in the night-time". I really liked it, I know it's only a piece of fiction, but it made me laugh and cry in places. That's when I decided I had to start investigating the whole Aspie thing.

Okay will try and check in later today. BBFN

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Nov 2011, 6:32 am

Wow thanks everyone :) and thanks Wombat i spoke to my GP and she agree's i have aspergers and was very cool ... she is finding out the fastest route to diognosis ... I am so happy :)