I'm Sam. I'm new here. My boyfriend, Mike (MikeB2of10) found this site when he discovered he might possibly be Autistic. I'm a bit of an Odd-Ball myself. I decided to come here, make myself a membership, and take one of the many quizzes you supply here. So far I've taken this: (won't let me post link) Sorry, if I spammed. Not sure if this posts or not with the link I had.
Your Aspie score: 132 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 105 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
Not sure what that means. I'll be taking more so I can see where I stand.
Looking forward to joining the Family here. (That is, if you accept me, and welcome me into it.)
I'm very interested in Medical related topics. As well as learning more about myself. I guess I'm at this crossroad in my life where I'm trying to find out just exactly who I am. So far, I've been unhappy. Not sure why. I have a crazy sleeping schedule. Not sure if that's due to depression, or what the issue is. But I'll sleep all day, and I'll be up all night. I call myself a Night Owl, as well as a Vampire, or Bear. I wake up as the sun is setting... and I go to sleep when the sun is rising. When it starts to get cold outside, I like to be cozy inside the house, curled up in blankets, in a bed.. just, sleeping. I call it Hibernating. LOL
I tend to take cheap shots at people. I hold grudges for a long time. I always want revenge on something that pisses me off. I don't trust easily. Once I trust, if it's broken... I'll always remember.. and will probably be bitter for a while. But, I eventually move passed that. Just depends on the situation, I suppose. I'm brutally honest. Too honest at times. I really don't care what people think of me when it comes to the way I dress, or the way I personally am. I am who I am. Either love me for who I am, or just keep on walking. When I love, I love deep. I will do anything in my power to show my dedication to the people I love and sincerely care about. I tend to focus on the bad more than the good, to the point where I forget what good has actually happened because my mind is fogged with all the things that's gone wrong, or upset me in some way. Whether it be a big deal, or a little deal that I should probably just shrug off and forget about. I get very defensive when backed into a corner, ridiculed, or criticized. At times, I am also a hypocrite. I am not proud of my problems. But at least I can admit them. I'm sure there's more about me.... and if anyone/everyone could PLEASE point it out to me over time as you get to know me... that'd be awesome. And just be patient with me. I just really want to fit in some kinda puzzle. I feel out of place at times.
Anyway, so..... I'm just rambling on. If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to ask.
Thanks for reading this 'Novel' HA!