I discovered this site by accident the same way I discovered I had Aspergers. I didn't even know that the condition existed until a few weeks ago.
Basically, I am a 40 something male who always knew that there was something different about me; but like everybody else I just assumed I was "screwed up", "weird" or just a freak. I only decided to start actually researching my symptoms last year when I decided that just maybe it was a condition that could be treated and that "weird" did not exist.
After going through what I wasn't - psychotic, neurotic, schzophrenic, bi-polar - I came on autistic. Some - many in fact - of the symptoms matched but I KNEW that I wasn't autistic. But I decided to continue the reading on autism anyway and that was how I discovered Aspergers.
I am still a little "shell shocked" by this discovery. At first I denied that it is what I had; I was certain that I was just fooling myself, "buying" a condition just so I could put a name to my history. But the more I researched the condition, the more I realized it was describing me. Personal stories and ancedotes from those with AS seemed to be pages out of my own book. When I found this site and read the "helpful hints" and tips on living with AS and found that the problems being discussed are problems that I currently have, I could deny it no longer.
I am sorry for going on this way but it is both a shock and a relief to finally understand what has been such an enormous mystery to me; why the world seemed so strange and why people never seemed to make sense. To finally know why I became obessed with flies at the age of 7 and why I never could look anyone in the eye. Why my attempts at being "normal" always failed.
Anyway. I will stop myself here. I hope to be a long time contributor here because what I have read so far is so familiar all I want to do is reply YES! YES! YES! I know what you MEAN!! ! If I have broken a rule on length, please forgive me, I haven't had a chance to view the Rules of the Forums just yet.
Till next time. Hello.