I'm new here
I signed up because I don't know if I'm on the spectrum or not, I've taken various online tests which always come out with the result of probably an Aspie. It's hard to answer some of the questions because it depends on the situation and my mood and other factors (so I tend to select don't know/unsure).
I'm looking for help / advice / not sure because I'm noticing things in my daughter that I myself had when I was younger and to an extent still have now. For example little things like she hates loud noises and certain fabrics or items touching her, I was just as bad as she is now but as I've grown older I'm not too bad but certain things still make me physically feel ill (like if my husband tries to massage my shoulders over my clothes I literally jump as it just...I don't know feels wrong (unless it's skin on skin).
So I'm here to read and perhaps see if we are potentially on the spectrum. I want to see the doctor but the thought of going makes me feel ill. I keep trying to work up the courage to go and keep running through every possible scenario in my head as to how it will go what will be said, etc etc and of course the bad ones freak me out (where the GP more or less tells me to go away and I'm making it all up) and it stops me going.
Well that was a long winded hello