nice to meet you all.
I have no idea, if I have AS or not.
Most of the characteristics fit. (However I don't find that really conclusive. Trully, a description like that seems better for checking, what you aren't, as opposed to what you are;)
Aspie quiz claims, that me being an Aspie is very likely.
I have seen people on this forum, having those numbers in their signature, so here are mine:
150- 165 aspie points (did it 3 times during 3 weeks, to be sure, that my ever changing moods aren't obscuring the outcome)
and around 50 NT points (placed exclusively in the area of social and communication skills)
And since i don't really feel like getting diagnosed, i might never know for sure
Still, i really enjoy reading this forum. I like how people here form their sentences, opinions and posts in general. I like that even in topics like:"do you sniff your cat?" there is an analytical approach present. Also, i'm very much aware, that i have some [enormous] issues with engaging in social activities and i intend to work on them.
Please excuse any typos, bad grammar and any other language-based weirdness - English is not my first language.