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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Dec 2013, 4:42 pm

Hi, I'm new - tho the date I joined the forums may make that look like a complete lie!

I have been "diagnosed" with social anxiety disorder, general anxiety disorder and depression etc..

I have never been diagnosed with Aspergers, tho I'm 99.9875% sure I have it. So many things ring true, I saw a documentary around 6 years ago (which prompted me to sign up for the forums all those years ago) which hit so close to home it was almost what you may call an awakening. Then reading through peoples posts over the years has only strengthened my opinion.

I struggled a lot in my childhood / teens / young adulthood leading to running away, sleeping on the streets and being a missing person for around 10 years.

It's amazing how age can make things easier, I still struggle, I'm still very much not of this planet, but I'm far more comfortable with not being NT and to a good degree live a [b]relatively [/b] "normal" life for the last 10 years or so.

anyway.. hi!


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12 Dec 2013, 5:17 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet!

Many people here are also not officially diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder (I, for example, am not officially diagnosed, though various therapists have given their suggestions), but we are all still a community of people with similar struggles and experiences.

I am sorry that you have had to run away, but I am glad that things seem to be better now. I hope that things continue to improve for you. :)

I am not a textbook case of any particular disorder; I am an abstract, poetic portrayal of neurovariance with which much artistic license was taken.


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12 Dec 2013, 5:46 pm

Yeah. Hopefully you're not homeless anymore. I know what that feels like. I've been there myself.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 28 Jan 2007
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12 Dec 2013, 6:37 pm

Thanks, not been homeless for some years.

In some ways, I found that life much easier, but yeah in the bigger picture it wasn't so good.