I am Theophilus F., and found this forum when searching for support for dealing with NT's. I am 32 years old as of this posting, and live in Kansas. I have lived in Kansas City, Topeka, Hays, Salina and Wichita. I am often referred to as a religious freak as religion/spirituality is sort of my hang up. I will speak for hours and bore the brains out of anyone listening, or so I am told. I was first found to be different at age five. At my grandfathers home (He was an Orthodox Priest) I would read homilies, commentaries and books on the faith for hours. I never wanted to play with others, hated being touched by anyone, and did what is described as strange things. I often imitated animal noises, and enjoyed switching words around, saying them backwards, pronouncing them as spelled etc. I was initially diagnosed Autistic until age 15 at which they decided I was high functioning and administered the autistic spectrum test. I scored within the range of Aspergers and was diagnosed an Aspie. I have always done well in school, except for math, but have never been particularly social. I am somewhat OCD with cleanliness and order in my home, and strongly feel the need to be in control of my environment.
Anyway, that is me in a nutshell. I look forward to future discussions with you. It is much easier for me to converse online than in person, so it is particularly pleasing to have found a site devoted to promoting support between Aspies!
EDIT: How is it that I place my own photo in the avatar section?
Regards, +++
Theophilus F.