So I actually joined at the beginning of March this year, but since then I've had a lot of technical issues with my laptop, my internet connection and my brain... so basically I haven't been here in quite a while. My first post at the beginning of March said I was going to ask my GP soon about getting a diagnosis. I've been so nervous about it I only got around to it in October After a mix-up at the clinic and an appointment with the wrong doctor (who was very rude and refused to even entertain the idea of Asperger's, then revealed to me that he was in fact not an Asperger's specialist at all, which is when I realised there had been a mix-up) I'm waiting for another referral. I've been downloading all kinds of tests on the internet since then to see how I fare, reading books, doing internet research... I'm still certain I have it. Now I just need to get it on paper so I can have therapy and whatever and learn how to live my life
20, female, English. Nice to meet you all, again
Aspiness! Aspiness! The greatest gift that I possess! I thank the skies that I've been blessed with more than my share of Aspiness!