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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Dec 2011, 4:35 pm

Hello there,
I thought this would be the best place to introduce myself and perhaps give a little background of myself.
I'm not sure whether I'm an aspie or not or whether I'm just simply socially inept. To be honest the thought of me having Asperger's Syndrome has only just occurred to me. I take anti-depressants for low mood and anxiety and I think the route of all my problems is down to my problems with socialising. I was chatting with my doctor about my problems and about what he thinks is wrong with me and I asked whether he thought it was depression based and he said it could be something else but he's not sure yet. When he said that I immediately thought is he looking for signs of aspergers?
Well anyway I'm rambling on as I usually do but I thought I should generally paint a picture of why I think I'm an aspie and to see what you guys think:

- I consider myself socially inept. Small talk is impossible for me and I often find it extremely difficult to connect with anyone - whether it be family, close friends or just people I meet on the street for the first time.

- I have a range of very obscure interests that I love to study. Just some of the things I have became fascinated in: Physiology and Biochemistry, Pharmaceuticals, Psychiatry, Space Flight and Orbital Mechanics, Aviation, The history of Space Flight, Music (I know so much about different artists and genres), Russian Literature, Learning Russian using Rosetta Stone etc etc

- I'm a pretty clumsy person. I fall into people when I'm walking, struggle to open doors and windows and countless other things. I also never learnt to ride a bike.

- I'm pretty articulate and I find I can verbally use language in ways I think most people would struggle (or maybe choose not to do so at the risk of being seen as pretentious).

- I prefer conversations about the philosophical, profound and moral aspects of life.

- I love routine. If people interrupt my routine or drop in unexpectedly I get a little angry about it although I know that me feeling annoyed about it is completely unreasonable.

- I think most people would consider me a little weird although I prefer the term eccentric. I have no problem with my eccentricities and I embrace them although I'm not it's to everyones taste.

- I absolutely struggle with something the English colloquially call "letting on" to people. If I see an acquaintance in university or when I was in school in the corridor I wouldn't know whether to say Hi or not.

- I have pretty poor eye contact with people and I'm very tense in social settings. I don't like people invading my personal space unless I'm really comfortable with them. I tend to unconsciously physically block people off if I'm sitting in a room with them watching TV or something.

However on the face of it all I guess people when they view me would consider me pretty social. I have lots of friends and acquaintances and I feel I do quite well for myself considering the circumstances. I feel this is because I have become a good actor. I feel like I sometimes have to borrow personalities to fit in and I don't really have my own social personality. It's extremely tiring but I feel I have to do it to feel "normal". Whatever that is.

Anyway I really appreciate anyone who's read this and would be grateful if anyone would like to share their thoughts on whether they think I may be an aspie or just socially inept. This is a difficult time for me and it'd be great if I could have some responses :) I'm going to see a psychiatrist after Christmas so I guess I may get a few answers then. anyway thanks again



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23 Dec 2011, 5:54 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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24 Dec 2011, 2:27 am

Hello, Joe!

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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24 Dec 2011, 6:25 am

Welcome to WP!


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25 Dec 2011, 6:58 pm

Welkome to WP


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