Aharon wrote:
How long have you been diagnosed with AS? What advice would you have for someone like me, who strongly suspects but doesn't have an official diagnosis? I dont need a label as much as I need answers, but are those one and the same? Thx for your input!
Originally diagnosed at 12 with AdHd. Shortly changed to high-functioning autism a couple weeks after. Then, at 25, changed again to Asperger's. Finally, this year I got a full neuropsych profile done at KU Med Center to get the complete picture and got it confirmed as "definite autism spectrum disorder, most likely Asperger's" among a few other things.
I would recommend a full neuropsych profile to anyone who suspects and has insurance that can pay for it. The diagnosis doesn't always help though, for two reasons:
The first is in the most directly practical sense: knowing you have it doesn't magically 'fix' you, or even guarantee any form of help at all. Also, it doesn't mean that the people around you are going to understand or treat you better. Sadly, it's often the opposite.
The second part has more to do with how you respond to it on a personal level. For me, I was already compensating for deficits I knew I had without knowing the why. Getting the diagnosis didn't really change how I compensate or 'cover up' the areas I know are problematic. But where it did help was more in the 'self understanding and forgiveness' side of things. On the one hand, knowing that no matter how hard I try, I can't ever be 'normal' in the way many others are still stings a bit. On the other hand, I'm a lot kinder to myself now about why I'm different. Instead of hating myself every time I make a social or executive function mistake and saying things to myself like "stupid, stupid, stupid!" I can take a moment to determine if what I did was intended to do harm, was part of one of my many personality flaws, or actually part of the diagnosis. And in some cases, it's the latter, and I can acknowledge it and forgive myself a bit easier. In some ways, accepting the diagnosis for me helped me accept myself a bit more. And that, i think, is helpful to anyone.