Hello, I am new to this whole world and just found out about this site today. I am not diagnosed but I have read enough information on Asperger's so far to be able to say I know when I was a teenager I had 95% of the symptoms and most of them only go away when I get so wasted that I forget about what I say and then I can just blame it on being drunk as hell but I now have a ridiculous addiction to drinking. And kind of getting tired of a half bottle of vodka every night to go to sleep so I figured I would try this.....
So here I am awkwardly social...again my wife thinks this is because I stayed trashed......But anyway any one else feel this way?
I am very into music even producing some artists in Houston I like all types of $hit that I probably shouldn't like but I pretty much hide it because no one else I know likes the $hit
I am 36 years old and Black........any one want to say hi feel free!!