I have been reading posts on this forum for some time and have finally decided to join. This is a great site! I came across asperger's about a year ago. I am still unsure if I would fit a diagnosis. I will try to be as concise as possible and structure this post otherwise it will become a million tangents. In the beginning normal milestones were reached, I was a quiet baby but a very poor sleeper, this insomnia has persisted throughout my life. I had frequent meltdowns and sensory problems. At school I was shy but did have some friends, well one eccentric one. I was clumsy physically and socially, gullible and took things literally. I preferred my own company and when playing with other children I usually took on a controlling role. At secondary school I was a daydreaming loner who was bullied. I had some unusual obsessions, but these are often quite short lived around 4 to 6 weeks in duration. I was diagnosed with social phobia and anxiety in my teens.
As an adult I'm okay at small talk, but I loathe it, I can communicate quite well its just that I can't manage people they are just too stressful, I have friends but no close ones and have never had a long term partner. I have been diagnosed in adulthood with depression plus ADHD, I'm inattentive, a procrastinator...My main problem is not wanting to mix with people, anxiety and sensory integration issues (flourescent light, noise, nose like a blood hound) nail biter, thumb sucker, irritable bastard really!
Anyway could anyone provide any details about clinics/psychologists in the UK who diagnose ASD's. I have heard of the one in Cambridge anyone who has attended this clinic or any others please reply. Many thanks for reading my post.