Hi there eveyone!This is the first time I have written to a forum and I am new to this site.Firstly I must apologise to anyone whose chess game I ruined.It wasn't intentional.I haven't worked out how to get a chess game happening.Does it occur in real time?Next,Iwould like to say what a great sight this is.There is such a variety of options.From what I have read this is a place where it is alright to be yourself.Without anyone judging you.I am convinced that I am an aspie, though I haven't got a diagnosis.I have spent most of my life as what I call a fringe-dweller.Not fitting in with the people around me.Not understanding why so many people seem to take great pleasure in putting down others around them.I don't understand the point of sport and competition.To me it seems like a waste of time,effort and energy.Most of the time I am quite anti-social.I find spending time with people leaves me both phyically and emotionally drained.After these encounters I find my self literally replaying conversations over in my mind to try and see if I could have handled the situation differently.(Yeah,so I am a bit bent.I can live with it).I am able to recognised some body language,but ususally only if I am on the outside looking in.I am blind if it is occuring right in front of me.I know that my world would be a much happier place if people said what they meant.Instead of speaking in riddles.Riddles have never been my strong point.Don't get me wrong I do enjoy some people's company it's just that those people are few and far between.WELL,that's enough whinging.So much for first impressions.(Myself that is).Recently I was able to get my hands on this computer, which I have since been told has come off the ark.It suits me fine,it is opening a few doors for me.Such as finding this site.I live in Queensland,Australia.I enjoy going to to beach,snorkling.Walking the beach to see what treasures the tide has washed up.I collect shells,washed up coral and pieces of drift wood.I like to draw and paint and I enjoy reading fictional novels about the supernatural especially anything written by Steven King.I am an insomiac and I am often looking for things to do while I am waiting for the sun to rise.So if you would like to get in touch with me we can have a bit of a chin-wag.Seeya!