I stumbled upon the forum while I was researching whether or not I have Asperger's. I'm still not positive, but I do feel fairly certain about it. I know that I've read some of the posts here and some of them I could have written myself because they describe my experiences and feelings to a tee.
I just turned 40 years old a few months ago. For my entire life I have known that I was different from other people and not in the way that everyone has their own personalities. I am different in a "hey let's all pick on this guy" if I'm in a group kinda way. I've never handled it well either. Up until a few years ago I always thought that people were just a-holes and it was them with the problem. After so many years and jobs and friends gone by one has to ask themself, "Is it me?" In my case I now know that it is me and not everyone else that has a "problem", because you see, after all these years of what I can only describe as torture I am fairly aggressive in defending myself now.
I have dabbled in trying to find out what is wrong with me a few times over the years. I have tried different meds, talking to several different family doctors, etc.. Up until recently I have never sat down with an actual mental health professional and told them my story. I had let myself go to the point of being very over weight and depressed and not seeing much of a future for myself. I had gotten to the point recently where I didn't really care if I lived or died and had started thinking about what it would be like to die certain ways and if it would hurt or not. It was then that I knew I had to do something and at least try to get my life back on track.
So after seeing a psychologist a couple of times he put me on a drug called bupropion. I have to admit that I think this little pill is some sort of miracle drug. Although it hasn't cured my anxiety it has brought me out of depression in a big way. At least now I feel like there is hope and I can maybe fix things in my life. In a nutshell, that is my story and that is what brought me here. I don't know if I will participate much or if I will just lurk or what, but I hope that this website will help me to understand myself a little bit more.