Hello. I came here after learning of this site from a yahoo group I belong to. I created this for my son in hopes that maybe he will use this to become more social and express his feelings about what he experiences.
Erik is 12 years old and has had a Aspergers diagnosis for 7 years. His fathers brother is also an Aspie. They are alike in almost every way. Erik is over emotional and sometimes I think he uses fake meltdowns to try to get attention, because these only occur when with immediate family. He does not have them at school (he used to) or with my sister or his grandmothers.
He is a very intellegent young man. In fact he is building a solar powered heated coat for a science fair project. (Yes he hates the cold!) He has sensation issues and OCD and repetitive behaviors. He has come a far way from the child he was that couldn't handle regular school. He is in regular classes finally, at proper grade level and on the honor roll.
I just hope he can find something to help him on this site. Advice from people with more experience than I have.