Hi everyone,
My name is Jenny and I am from Texas. I am 27 years old. I was officially diagnoised with Asperger's this summer and I am still kinda in shock over it. For the past 15 years I've been treated for treatment-resistant depression with every medicine and technique under the sun, gone to numerous counselors, etc. and have honestly not lived a very happy life. The Asperger's diagnosis explains A LOT about me and why I have always been the way I am, and it fills in a lot of missing pieces that my doctors and counselors who were treating me just for depression couldn't explain.
I am still very confused about what behaviors of mine are from Asperger's and what come from depression (which I think has stemmed from the Asperger's the entire time) and how to get help. I am waiting to hear back from a behavioral therapist - I've never worked with one, just regular counselors - who might be able to help me modify some of my behaviors to help me function better and to just plain explain Asperger's to me.
At this point in my life I am so miserable that I've regressed to the point where I barely get out of bed and do not leave my house due to depression. I would love to know if there is anyone else out there who has been or is at this point in his/her life as well; it's a very lonely, scary place. I'm just plain tired of life now. Failure after failure, treatment for depression after treatment for depression, etc. - it's taken a heavy toll. I feel like I am 80 years old and I want to feel like I am 27.
Anyway, sorry to sound depressing (I'm good at that) - I am glad to be here and I hope I can make some new friends who share my problem and learn from all of you!