I've often wondered, but I've just started reading "House Rules" and recognize so much of Jacob in myself, although no where near as severe. I just took this an autism spectrum test and scored 32, which, from what I can find online, is about the high end minimum of the spectrum.
I wonder what I would have scored as a child though. I am 45 years old, and I know that over the years we learn to fit in, and get better at reading people and mimicking what is considered "normal". I also know that if you "lie" often enough, you can convince yourself, eventually, that it's the truth. So, those things considered, I can't actually say that all my answers were completely accurate.
I CAN say for a fact that although I am very good at showing the proper expected emotion at the proper expected time, I very rarely actually FEEL the appropriate emotion. I am also VERY much a creature of routine, and if my routine is interrupted, it is disturbing and it takes me quite a while to get back on track. I am very OCD on a very few things, but I don't have the rituals or the feeling that something horrible will happen if I don't repeat an activity a certain number of times, as OCD people tend to do. Also, I'm a sloppy housekeeper, which would probably drive a truly OCD person insane. But I compulsively count EVERYTHING! It's such a routine that I do it without even noticing, mostly. Also, I haven't read anything about this, but do you guys constantly get songs stuck in your heads? I can listen to a song a few times and know all the lyrics, I almost constantly have a song stuck in my head, and sometimes as many as 3 songs at once, blending in to each other.
I am actually very well liked at work, but I'm not really very close to anyone. I can always make people laugh, but I recognize that I can also make people feel uncomfortable and be rather blunt about certain topics without really realizing it until later when I'm obsessively replaying the conversation in my head. I don't have any family that I'm close to, but it doesn't really bother me. I don't really like people that much. What I DO love is animals, and I devote every ounce of love and energy to their safety and well-being. Actually, that's the topic that gets me going at work every so often that makes me so blunt and makes people uncomfortable.
I am very functional, but I'm faking it, and if I didn't drink myself into a state of calmness a lot of times, I'd probably lose my mind.
Probably this post by itself is proof enough that I'm on the spectrum....