Yeah, I forgot to fill in that section, didn't I. Oops.
hHhcolt49 wrote:
Welcome. It's funny you mention having so many great qualities, that even the normal world claims to be important and yet it doesn't matter. I know I've spent alot of time 'self improving' in every aspect of life I thought mattered to others, either friends or potential mates. But somewhere along, I realized I was far superior to many ppl in many areas and ultimately, I could become a perfect human being (k not literally) and it still would not matter, because correctly obeying social norms appears to be far more important than everything else combined! Still a wild thought to me, lol, but how come they never told us that in school, on tv, the media, etc.. unspoken reality, right?
Yeah, they're the various lies that they tend to tell us when we're growing up. Moms tell us to be nice to girls when we're growing up. Teachers tell us to study hard as hard work will yield reward. Everybody loves a hero. Treat others with respect and you will be treated in kind.
Uh, no.
Women end up in relationships with guys who treat them with crap, and then they complain to their girlfriends, "Why can't I just find a nice guy", while "niceness" is often interpreted as excessively needy. People who work their asses off get passed over for promotion in favour of someone who was just more visible to them. Heroes fall from grace and the public revels in their humiliation. Respect must be earned, regardless of how much you freely give to those around you.
Figuring out how it works is the easy part. Figuring out how to get it work for ME, that's proving to be a bit more of a challenge.