You know how all of this Autism stuff is sorta new and all that? Well, what do you do when you spend the first twenty-one years of your life knowing you are different but no one seems to do anything about it and you can't figure out what's wrong with you? Then you get told your kid brother might be Aspie and your mother looks at you and says that it sounds like you are too all matter-of-factly? Then you spend the next year or so floundering about, looking it all up and identifying yourself, without any clue what to do now that you sorta know and no one still helps you out? Well, I'll tell you what you do. You come here!
But there are so many forums about different things and I'm kinda all screwed up about it all, kinda confused. Where should I start first? The art forum, the social skills forum, the relationship forum, the....any other forum there is to start with?
I guess I feel a little overwhelmed. *sweat drop* Any ideas would be awesome.
PS: Yeah, I know that sounds like a kid more so than an adult but I'm just more than a whole lot nervous here. And I'm not really good at forums.