Hello. My name is David, I'm 19 years old, studying music (I play the clarinet), and I live in Toronto. (Please don't try assembling the various details I've revealed about myself into a document and use it to Identify, locate me, and notify my past and present employers about all the embarrassing things I've posted online.) Nice to meet you all.
I'm interested in lots of stuff, but generally one thing obsessively at a time. My strongest interests are the clarinet, writing, drawing, the furry fandom, reading classic novels, and LGBT issues. Well, my interest in LGBT issues is more accidental . . . I ended up volunteering at my university's LGBT Drop-in Centre last year in a big plot to find a boyfriend and make friends, probably expecting something like the plot of Fur-Piled to occur: http://www.liondogworks.com/fur-piled/en/01
But basically these interests all collide and mesh in weird ways, so for example I've started writing more than one quasi-literary furry comic series that explores LGBT issues and experiments with narrative and illustration, and also written a song sung by myself with looped clarinet accompaniment that deals with a character in one of these comics.
My Fur Affinity page is here (I've been into deer lately): http://www.furaffinity.net/user/wildeandprokofiev/
One of my strange furry comics is here: http://homosexualitycomics.thecomicseries.com/comics/1
and . . . my other strange LGBT themed furry comic explores the university existence of Harvey the Homosexual Blue Reindeer, so the mash-ups continue.
Lately I've been interested in learning all about Aspergers, since I think that I have it. It's not immediately apparent, since I've developed some fairly strong social skills, but it appears in this crystallized form in all the characters in my art and writing, and I have a history of being incredibly isolated and anti-social. I never really had any friends until highschool, and I've had obsessive interests for as long as I can remember. (When I was 6-8, I was obsessively interested in orchids, and I was also very intensively interested in Pokemon/ Yu-gi-oh cards. So far as the clarinet, I've been obsessed with it since I was 10)
But I have alot of issues understanding the nature of the relationships I'm in, and the effect is that I get really depressed and often feel super-isolated. So I have a psychological assessment booked and if I'm right in guessing that I have Aspergers, then hopefully I can follow that lead, learn about myself, get involved in Aspie issues etc. It would be a massive relief to learn that I have a fairly common social disorder, rather than being this mysteriously isolated artistic wandering figure destined to always fall short of happiness through his inability to understand the world. And it's lovely to learn there are other people with freakish obsessive interests like mine, because I've always been self-conscious about them and toned them down in public.
Umm, say hello, send me a PM even I'd love to have conversations with some people here.