I think i might have joined here before, not sure. I use different names here and there and well yeah.
I'm a girl, from Norway. I feel like an INTP stereotype, and I'm a positive nihilist.
Got diagnosed with Aspergers when i was 18 after being thrown back and forth for five years between this and that shrink. Can't really say i "accept" it yet, even though it's been 5 years since. Mostly because they just gave me a label, didn't tell me what it meant or why they thought i had it, but i know i'm... "off".
Another thing thats made me doubt the whole diagnose is that i can read people really well. But i have a very analytical approach to it though, best way to explain it is that it sort of like math. You fill in an equation and the more information you manage to gather the more accurate reading you'll get. If you end up with more then one possible solution then you have to consider what situation you are in, the person you're reading what is being talked about yadda yadda...
I want to learn everything, not going to happen, but yeah i don't care. I think i have ADHD, going to ask my doctor about this because it ain't just that it's impossible to learn everything thats stopping me. My brain is, i call it "me vs. my brain", and my brain is a spoiled brat that can't handle not getting it's way and it's frustrating.
I really liked to paint and draw, but i've sort of stopped that... I don't know for how long. Here is a fan art i made from DA2 bloody hated that game, but that scene was cool.
postimage. [org] /image/7afv7vfo/full/
Eh, i like games yeah. Different star wars games, Half life 2, DA1, MA2, Witcher 1+2 etc.
Love star wars, jurassic park, carnivale, john from Cincinnati, OZ (the prison series), Pride and Prejudice (it's funny!)
Love lots of different types of music, from Frou Frou to Tom Waitz to Queen to Florence + machine to Faithless to Kaizers Orchestra.
I want to learn stuff about astronomy, biology, physics, geology etc.
If i one day could take part in a dig, where you know i could "touch the bones" of a dinosaur, i'd cry.