Hey all,
I joined up here a while ago as a possible Aspie, now I'd like to introduce myself again as a diagnosed one! I had my assessment yesterday, and it was actually quite a lot of fun, as I am highly interested in psychological assessment.
Early on in the process the psychologist sank my hopes, saying it is more difficult to assess intelligent people, more difficult again to assess adults, and even more difficult to assess females. As has happened almost every other time I have sought answers for a health issue, I thought he was going to get to the end and say "well, it is inconclusive".
So I am very happy with my diagnosis. It's one thing to be able to say "AS explains so much in my life", and another to actually have a professional agree with you. There's not too much I can do with the diagnosis as I am 31, but I can obviously still improve my social skills and work on other deficits.
I look forward to posting more confidently in future, now that I really feel I belong here