Hey Guys I'm woofer123 and am new here. I'm an Aspie and proud of it, though it not be a disease/disability nor a gift. Here is some basic info. about me:
Main interest is Biology. Side interests include psychology, robotic technology, classical music (am especially fond of overture by Tchaikovsky), and politics as well as culture wars and money.
- I am in general a hardcore atheist. I don't really have a problem with religion in and of itself but thinks the notion of God is a fantastic falsehood and is silly.
I enjoy exercising, though sometimes I really have to push myself to 'get out there'
I have no patience and an intense dislike for stalling, hesitation, annoying mannerisms, or uncertainty/vagueness.
I am pro-life, though of a different breed. I think religion needs to get out of the pro-life movement and that abortion currently is a "necessary evil" in that if abortion was illegalized, it would only result in more, increasingly dangerous abortions. I think artificial wombs need to be developed so that abortion can be phased out. In the meantime things like sex education need more improving/advancement to decrease the possible risk of abortions.
I am asexual- I am not attracted to anyone and am not interested in sex. Once cloning and artificial fertilization come into existence we won't need sex as a necessity anymore.
I like humor. My favorite is political humor. I live to bash right wingers and neocons and religious zealots like Rick Santorum.
I am a strong supporter of animal rights- they are living beings too.
And lastly, I am proud to be an Aspie and am optimistic that if we 'play our cards right', we can attain our rights just like LGBT groups have.