Hi, Wrong Planet!
I’m a man with Asperger's syndrome from Ukraine.
My difficulties:
The following weakens and exhausts me very much, slows down my mind, spasms my throat, dissipates my attention, unnerving, turns me up, makes me angry and scared:
1) intensive communication live or by phone
2) information perception by hearing
3) condemnation, censure, disapproval
4) look to face
5) closing-in and touch
6) calling someone by name
7) direct submission to the will of another
8) to lead someone
9) the need to cheat
10) all implied, figurative, available in mind, "between the lines", subtexts and non-verbal signals in communication
11) economical and political things
12) activities when I’m not alone
13) bright light, loud or harsh sound
14) crowds
15) multitasking (prolonged rapid switching back and forth between thinking about several different matters)
16) occupation in uninteresting and remembering of uninteresting
17) unstructured and nonvisual information
18) reading from beginning to end, not by random fragments
19) violation of the customary rituals and customary way of life in general
20) non-written planning
21) everything connected with the preservation of the body equilibrium
22) my pronunciation and laughter
23) inability to change myself, inability to conceal all this from others and the need to pretend to be an ordinary man
24) explanation of my features to other people (I have no medical document about AS (adults cann’t have this diagnosis in our country) + this causes suspicion in an attempt to justify laziness and weakness, and in finding benefits fraudulently, or suspicion of a genius self declaration)
My "meds":
1) stimming (bouncing up and down, tapping, shuffling something in my hands, scratching, beatboxing (voice "music making"), chewing gum)
2) praise
3) a horizontal position with closed eyes and ears
4) altruism
5) creativity and "newsproduction"
6) adventures and thrills
7) deaf imitation
8) vegan food
9) cigarettes (I want to delete this from the list as soon as possible)
My benefits:
1) vivid imagination
2) unconventional approach to solving any tasks
3) information structuring, schematization and algorithmization
4) good self-learning
5) kindness and decency, crime inability
Yes, it isn’t the easiest "configuration", but I haven’t another.
Can I land?
Happiness is to be satisfied with own automatisms.
Last edited by Untonim on 24 Mar 2012, 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.