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25 Mar 2012, 10:27 pm

Hey everyone. My name is Tyler and although I'm new to this site, I'm no stranger to Asperger's.

That said, I'm 24 years old, I live on my own, I don't take medication anymore and I've done and am doing a lot of things with my life that I never would have considered I'd be able to do when I was diagnosed at age 8. But I'm not here to brag; I'm here because I want to be a part of the community, and I know how tough it is growing up and living with Asperger's. It's something you need to know that you're not going through alone and that knowledge sure would have helped me a lot.

So, I'm here to make some friends, to share some experience and to learn because I do still have a lot to learn. :)


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25 Mar 2012, 11:55 pm

Hi Tyler! Welcome to Wrong Planet! Check out the different forums and articles here. They are interesting and helpful. You are among friends here at WP.

Finding out I have Asperger's a few years ago was a big relief. I am in my early 50s now, but still remember the h--- I went through when I was growing up, before spectrum disorders were recognized. Finally knowing why I am different has helped me. Finding WP has helped, too, by providing me, a non social hermit type, with info and a social outlet that is geared towards people on the spectrum, and their families and friends.

I hope you like this site. I do! :D

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau


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26 Mar 2012, 12:54 am

Hello Tyler! Welcome to WP, i hope you enjoy your stay :o I was diagnosed with pdd-nos when i was 15-16, and a few weeks ago i was diagnosed with adhd, oh and my name is Leroy so uhm nice to meet you :D Oh and i don't think you're bragging, i think its great that you can do a lot more then when you were diagnosed, i hope i can live on my own one day ><

Anyway have a nice day! Sorry for rambling.


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26 Mar 2012, 12:54 am


Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.


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26 Mar 2012, 3:55 am

Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. I look forward to hanging around in a somewhat more troll-free (I hope) forum than I've been frequenting. It's hard to state eloquent ideas when people want to make a "that's what she said" joke about the Higgs-Boson which is kind of funny, but you don't want to encourage them.

The only way to beat a troll at his game is not to play, so there's that.

Speaking of games, I just lost the game. >_<

"Religion finally makes sense when you realize that God is a 12 year old boy with Asperger's... it's not a leap of faith. It's high functioning Autism"
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26 Mar 2012, 5:23 am

Welcome! :)

I'm always here, all you have to do is ask and you shall receive


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26 Mar 2012, 10:11 pm

Welkome to WP


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