hanjis wrote:
My name is Hank. My life sucks,
I get labeled as shy and weird by people who call themselves "normal"
But I am a Photo-realistic visual thinker. All my thoughts are in photo-realistic pictures.
I speak with odd word arrangements as well as occasional delayed speech because every sentence in my mind is a photograph, each with it's own story to tell, as well as 500k branches of other stories. Try explaining the beauty of a photograph to the blind. It isn't an easy task. Sometimes the pictures are simple, and to others I seem to speak like a "normal", but those times when the picture is elaborate and impossible to convey, those are the times when the worlds sees me as ret*d.
They say I have odd facial expressions, and fail at verbalizing thoughts, talk softly or loudly, turn word meanings around, I talk to myself,I have pronunciation issues with certain words, I seem cold and distant, wtfe man.
All I know is that this is entirely unfair for me to have to deal with this stuff that "normal" people never have forced upon them.
I can never have a gf that isn't a complete lunatic, deafmute, or a f'n psychic.
Just yesterday girl likes me. I hold her hand two seconds, she says It makes her feel uncomfortable, so I shut down, can't speak to her rest of night. FML
I never thought of it that way. Maybe that is why I like photography. It frustrates to no end to try and explain things sometimes to regular people. Why can't things just come natural like they do for me?