Hi all,
I'm currently trying to determine if I'm an aspie. I'm a little hesitant to self-diagnose; I strongly relate to many of the traits of Asperger's, but I am considering getting a formal diagnosis in the not-too-distant future.
For most of my life, I felt...different. I'm not especially social. I have extremely strong interests. I am extremely observant--more so than anyone else I know. I have a ridiculously good memory. I feel like I live in a "bubble" of sorts, where my own thoughts dominate everything else, and I feel like nobody else really "gets" me and what makes me tick. And don't get me started on the never-ending anxiety. I'd never seriously considered the possibility that I may be an aspie, though...not until the last couple weeks, anyway.
In the past few days, I've done more research on Asperger's and took a couple online tests (which both indicated strong Autistic Spectrum traits). And suddenly it all made sense. The all-consuming interests. The social awkwardness. The fact that I can lay out exactly what I want to say in my mind, and yet I often feel like I can't get the words out of my mouth right. The fact that I have a difficult time making eye contact with others, being able to focus on the conversation at hand, or even bringing myself to even say hello. The fact that I struggle with showing outward signs of affection or empathy, or even how to react in some situations. And so on.
And when I discovered this forum, I found all sorts of things that made me go, "Wow, that's me!" It's great to be here, and thanks for helping me feel a little less alone.
I can relate to many of the things you have written and in the past when I have sat in a class listening to the teacher or other professional speaking the person will tell me afterwards that I appeared to be very observant. I can relate to having anxiety most of the time as well.