So here I am, up late, when I have to work tomorrow, reading up on Asperger's...why?
A few years ago, I was diagnosed officially. My mom, always thought I had some, as she puts it "autistic tendencies". It took me a while, even after being diagnosed, to actually accept it and embrace it, probably because I didn't feel comfortable at this one support group I went to, I just didn't want any part of it. Since I didn't yet understand it, I honestly felt out of place, and couldn't find the common ground there. It did get better, and that's why I am here.
A year ago, my mom tried to start a group on meetup, without telling me first, so I was rebellious about it, because of the luck I had been having making friends at the time, I constantly only felt half-accepted, and rarely ever understood.
Last week, my mom mentions meetup again, and and I've been kind of considering it this time, one day, maybe Monday or Tuesday, the week was getting off to a bad start, for the heck of it, I check out meetup, and realized, she had left the thing open, so anyone could post a meetup suggestion, and I watched it, three people started, entirely on their own to plan something..
I jumped in, and, became a co-organizer for the group an contacted everyone who responded to the event by email, and left my email address not hidden, one of them contacted me, and I guess, she changed my life.
Instantly, this person, another aspie, who didn't even know me, became an instant friend. Imagine, over 100 emails back and forth in 2 days. After about 3 days, we now have each other's phone numbers, and are texting each other a lot.
When I found the familiarity in her, I finally embraced it, and accepted it, because she accepts me.
The two of us, and about four others + guests (11 total some of them are married or have kids) are meeting for the first time in 2 weeks, interestingly enough, not in a public place, actually at my mom's house, they really dig that idea.
Sorry for the long story, but I felt like I should share it....I found this site actually linked on a Wikipedia article.
I knew something awesome was coming this year, but I think the best of it hasn't even happened yet.
Oh and before I forget, I am 33