I had a lot of contact with a counselor in high school, who, at times thought I could have AS, but he also realized that I've shown a great deal of anxiety and social anxiety in general. He told me, "How much of it is AS, and how much of it is the anxiety?" My entire life I've felt... Different, but could never explain why, or what exactly it is I feel. You know how when you get scared, there's this cringing feeling in your stomach and up your back? That's how I feel whenever I leave my home. I don't hate people, per se, but I don't like the majority of people either, I'm usually pretty selective.
A few other things have troubled me, I spent most of my childhood and teenage years quoting shows and games which made a lot of people annoyed with me, especially since I would do it repetitively. I don't exactly adhere to a strict schedule, but I figure there is a lot more things I could be doing with my life. Big changes like going somewhere I haven't been before bug me a bit, but little changes in my routine I can deal with, I'd say it makes my day as a whole more fun.
One last thing: I've had a huge vocabulary ever since I was little, by the time I was in the 7th grade, I was told my grammar skills were at the college level.