Last December I met a girl I fell in love with immediately. We went out and her sense of humor and mine matched, for example we were walking down a dark street and she said, "this is where I am planning to kill you". I thought, wow, that's exactly what I would have said had I said it. We ended in a strange way, she started a new job, and then she was gone. It hurt, and felt wrong somehow, at one point she was crying over video chat and said "There is something wrong with me". I wrote down a list of her more quirky behaviors and contacted a woman with Asperger's. When I emailed her my observations, she said that after she read the email she thought perhaps her and I had dated. Then it clicked as to why this girl and I had fallen so far in love. It's like we are the same person, we say the same things, think the same way. Because of this I believe I am on the Spectrum, and as I looked around, I saw my father. It casts a wide net apparently. I'm not sure what to do next. I'd like to tell this girl so she is aware of it. The woman said female aspi's get taken advantage of a lot. I'm not sure how I would tell her, or if I should. Thoughts?