Hi there!
I, uhh, made this account a little while ago, then proceeded to get cold feet about the whole business. But now I'm here, and I hope I'm here to stay! Truth be told I've joined a lot of online communities in the past, but then I disappear because... I don't know, I just do. This time I'm trying to dig my heels in, especially since this looks like such a great place.
So! I'm 18, Australian, living somewhat isolated and completing my last year of high school via distance education before I make the Big Move and head to university (independance and responsibilities! ARGH!
). I love me some gaming, reading and creative writing, and I plan on going on to study psychology.
Both my younger brother and my father are fairly high on the Asperger's side of the autism spectrum, and while I'm a lot lower than them I am still certainly there. Generally this just means social situations scare me (though I can certainly cope, and hope to pry myself out of my shell somewhat as time goes on), but I also can't stand certain sounds or colours, and fluorescent lighting can do really strange things to my mood.
Anyway! Enough babble. Looking forward to participating here and meeting you all. 
The past, the present and the future walked into a bar.
It was tense.