I am new here so I am going to say hello. I am not really sure where to start, but I suspect I might have Asperger's but really am not certain since I never got diagnosed with anything and a lot of people who know me just think I am a bit strange, but have no idea why.
My social skills are horrible and I just can't talk to people I don't know or don't know very well. Just saying "Hi" is almost impossible and when I do finally manage to say it, I have to force it. I also have only one or two things I am interested in but sometimes these interests of mine change. I might lose interest in one thing I enjoy and become interested in something different and the things I am interested in are all I ever think about. And when I do talk to people about things I am interested in, I just go on and on about it. Luckily for me when ever I told someone about an interest, they were interested in it too so I didn't annoy them too much.
Sometimes my mind wanders off for no reason, even when people are talking to me, and what they say just does not register because I am lost in my thoughts and it annoys others when this happens. I just go into my own little world. Sometimes I become confused with instructions, even simple ones and I make careless mistakes quite often.
I am not sure exactly why these things happen but I just have a theory. Oh and I also find strange and unusual things funny and I laugh uncontrollably at them for no reason. Not sure what causes this, but I think I have the sense of humor of a young child sometimes. Any insight on this would be appreciated.
(Edit) I guess I forgot to mention this when I first posted, but sometimes when I am talking and I try to say too many things at once or too fast, I end up jumbling all my words together and it sounds like nonsense. A friend of mine called it "word salad". I also forgot to mention that I think out loud all the time. It is just easier for me to think when I say it out loud and people have seen me do it and it probably looked like I was having a conversation with an invisible person.