Hi all. Just wanted to introduce myself before I jump - or more likley tiptoe- into discussions. I'm a 33 year old female, self-diagnosed with Asperger's and just now trying to look into getting a formal diagnosis. It'a funny- I've been aware of the possibility that I was on the spectrum for years but was soooo resistant to admitting or formalizing it. I think I felt like it would be pathologizing myself, which is pretty damn funny since a huge part of me has always felt that the social struggles and the subsequent lonliness and isolation was due to my being defective or somehow inherently unlikable. I think I felt like it would be a cop-out, just making excuses for laziness when all I needed to do was 'try harder, stop being shy!' Finally getting away from that mindset. It just made things worse, increased the pressure on myself. I'm pretty high functioning in that I'm able to hold down a job, but I do have some struggles, I'm lonely as hell and no longer interested playing ostrich about it. That was a contributing factor to losing my twenties to active alcoholism and that's nowhere I want to be again. I've been lurking around here for a couple of weeks and finally registered. Sorry if this is a bit rambling - m