I imagine many of youl, like me, dislike uncertainty in things, especially relationships. It is one reason I have always loved stuffed animals - I talked to them all the time when little as if they were real people, and sometimes they still form an inner voice encouraging me.
But, even believing I may well have a small bit of it, it's strange, I don't like that uncertainty, either. Even if I were diagnosed, I know doctors can be wrong, and I don't have time to get diagnosed anyway. I know I'm the way I am and have developed very good coping skills, I think one reason I went as far as I did looking into it was to ease my midn that it wasn't just some problems from Junior High with mistreatment - my condition being because of a lifelong thing is much easier to handle.
But, it just seems like I have always had great faith, and yet as people let me down some, I started to drift back to the things I enjoyed as a kid, and have found those most enjoyable of all, even as I get into my new Masters/seminary work.
I guess it would be nice if this were a question instead of just a comment However, I guess there really isn't any big question to it, except wondering if uncertainty is a big problem for you all. I might not come here a whole lot, but I did feel like I needed to say that about how I feel.