Welcome to Wrong Planet Bmac! Check out the many interesting and helpful forums here. Try talking to your wife again. Tell her that you finally did see the psych doc about your own issues, and were diagnosed as Aspie. Ask her to write down the stuff about your traits that bothered her the most, so that you will know what you need to start working on. And it doesn't hurt to tell her that you love her, and still want to try to fix the marriage. If she goes for it, fine, but if not, you have to face the fact that she is no longer willing or able to be your partner. Just don't let this poison your child's life. Divorce is hard enough on kids, without the parents making war on one another, or even dragging the kids into the middle of their disputes.
Sorry you are going through this tough time, but remember, you are among friends here at WP!
P.S. Give her the link to WP and tell her to look in the General Autism forum, and I think there is one for couples/relationships, and there is one for parents, too here. If she gets informed about adult Autism spectrum disorders it may help in your dealings with her.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau