Just one thing I'd like to point out.
Remember that thinking you're aspergers doesn't mean you have to avoid speaking to people or get out of all social interaction.
Sure its really hard for us, its really hard for me, but the more I learn, the better able I am.
For example, last night at a party, I was left out half the time, however I found someone very obsessed with music (my primary and pretty much sole drive) and through that ended up playing banjo for two hours!
I'm lucky because I have a younger brother, who is NT, who is very close to me. Though half the things he says confuse me, I worked out the things I say confuse him just as much.
I realised that if I could work out logically the way he speaks to others and to me, I could apply this to my own interaction, I even worked out I don't have to create an image as much anymore, sure in any group bigger than 3 people I revert to a imitation of those around me, but in anything smaller I realised I can be myself, but simply use their way of relating as a tool.
Sure my expressions are exagerated, sure I obsess over my choice of topics, but I worked out I can make people laugh just by offering my view on things, I even worked out I could relate to NT's in more ways than I knew.
Afterall, we're all people.
However, I still have to be careful, in groups I tend to get overwhelmed, when I'm trying to analyse 4 conversations at once it can be nightmarish, but the more I learn, the greater the rewards, I've found that personally aquaintances work better for me than friends, because the loose yet firm nature of friendship confuses and upsets me.
Just some pointers, take them or reject them its all fine.
All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!