Greetings Wrongplanetlings,
I have landed to warn you of great danger....
Haha, not really , I'm being sent for an aspergers test soon so I thought I may as well see what Asperger's is all about, not really getting the jist of it yet,cannot see how I relates to me ether.
I have been bombarded with tests and quizzes and a whole load of other shenanigans for everything for years it s kinda, just another quiz but ....
Anyway I thought I would join, so I can get to grips with what you're all about, I also have severe ADHD so I didn't pick anything up with my shrink talking turkey to me...
not sure what more to say lol, I'm a weirdo, always have been...
Mother was skitzophenic, died at 45 umm, I'm really impulsive, I climb on stuff when people are not around and I can'tconcentrte on anything at all. Uhmm I could be bordline but shrink don't really want to diagnose that..
I speak with my wooden owl...
If noise is really loud, I can hear people talking when there aren't any.
Umm, my IQ is 150, pretty high,
Umm I am Vegan
I have identity issues...
My girlfriend is a n oxycodone addict and has PTSD...
I'm really messy but I hate it... because I love tidiness..
I'm Anorexic...
I hope I am a as'veggie'burger instead of a nutcase but who knows...