Hello, everyone. I'm an undiagnosed 33 year-old living and working in Japan. I've thought of myself as highly sensitive (physically and emotionally), introverted, and geeky for years. I am almost certain that I have Asperger's.
It should've occurred to me years ago. Recently, I was researching how Asperger's presents in children because my son has shown some of the characteristics. As I read more, I began to wonder if I might have it, too. I have taken two tests and have scored well above the cutoff point on both.
I told my wife - who usually provides the antidote to my compulsions and hypochondria - and she essentially said that she had wondered off and on for years whether I had AS. I've been reading this board nonstop. Ironically, I don't think my son has AS.
I would like a formal diagnosis, but it's difficult to do this in Japan. In addition to finding the right doctor, there is no promise of doctor-patient confidentiality here, and I am concerned that an AS diagnosis would blackball me out of my field.
So, I am left with anecdotal evidence and two online quizzes, but very little access to professional feedback. I'm looking forward to communicating with you all and learning more about what your lives are like.